Introducing a new bull

Bringing your new bull home

In the last few posts I've talked about the things you should consider when you are looking to purchase a new bull.  Its great to hear from several clients who said they found that advice helpful as they look for this seasons new sires.

Several of the producers I've been working with have already bought bulls in preparation for Spring joining.  I reckon its important to mention the things you need to consider when you bring your new bull home.

The first thing to remember is you own the bull from the moment the hammer falls, so think about how you want him to be cared for and transported home.  Consider some transport insurance as well.

Poll Hereford Bull.JPG

When you do get your new bull home, remember he will feel pretty unsettled.  Its best to let him into the yards with a few steers or some older cows for company.  

If you have bought bulls from different properties, you need to make sure they are put into separate yards.  

Give your new bull some hay and make sure there is water in the yards and then leave him (or them) alone to settle down.

Its important to undertake routine health treatments, and you need to speak with the vendor before hand regarding any treatments for worms, fluke, lice and health treatments such as 5 in 1 and Vibriosis vaccinations.


Remember your new bull will take a little while to settle in to his new home.  

So when you work him through the yards give him space and time to learn the new way of doing things.

When you do let him put of the yards, let him into a well secured paddock with good feed and water with a few steers for company. Not only do the steers provide some company, but they will help your new bull find the water and settle into his new home with much less stress.

The other good thing to do is to have a quick follow up call to the bull breeder.  They do like to know that you and the bull got home safely as well as knowing about how he has settled in to his new environment.